Many Glacier

Co-pilot/Astrogator, Roxanne "Rabbit" Taylor, has been wanting to go horseback riding since we moved to Montana. Last week was her non-birthday so I took her riding in Glacier park. We drove around to the other side of the park to a place called Many Glacier. After a lengthy discussion if the correct pronunciation was a homonym with "mini glacier", we arrived at my new favorite part of the national park. The old hotel built on the lakeshore was one of the inspirations for "The Shining". Not because it's haunted, but because it had a year round caretaker in a very remote area. The horseback riding was a big hit. Rox said it was as cool as the dolphin swim, the dolphin swim, swim with the dolphins.
Many Glacier


Captain's Lag

The captain's been lagging on his log. The crew has made three memorable trips recently. First we went to Farragut State Park. It's a really nice place with disc golf courses and 45 miles of Mt. bike trails. Next, we went to Priest Lake. Another awesome place with loads of bike trails. Lastly, we visited the Goat Lick Overlook on the south end of Glacier National Park.
Farragut,Priest Lake,Goat Lick