Davis Creek

Captain's Blog, star date 20070528
Spent a night at Davis Creek Park in the Washoe valley. Due to the holiday weekend, we saw signs indicating the campground was full. I led a landing party up the Ophir Creek trail to pass the time. The trail was a grueling climb in the hot sun. About three miles up the trail we crossed the creek and shortly after that we turned around. When we got back to the campground we saw a couple loading up their popup camper. We got permission to pull in and secured the site for the evening. Sleeping on the four inch memory foam mattress with sheets was a huge upgrade from sleeping bags on blue backpacking mats. On the way home we stopped for a tongue box picnic at the rim trail parking/picnic area, at the top of spooner summit. We hiked around spooner lake on the nature trail before docking the mirthship at the cabin. One small incident occurred before the journey was done. Neighbor Larry (I think his name was actually Carl) saw me locking the gate as we left. He wanted to know why I was messing with the lock. I guess Larry didn't see us parking and tarping the trailer for the last half hour. He was nice though. Nice and drunk. After chatting and smelling his breath for five minutes, we headed home declaring the voyage a success.

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